Streets, trails, and alleys.

Expressions, postures, and encounters.

Colors forming in the sky as the sun breaks over the horizon.

An object left on the grass.

A bouquet of flowers placed on a table.

Poplars bending in the wind.

Ocean waves under a cloudy sky.

The visual world, with its transitions of light, shape, and movement, is wonderous beyond words.

Its beauty allows us to stand side by side and find unexpected communion in the moment.

It creates hope and anticipation for things to come.

Painting is a deep dive into wonder.

It teaches solitude — where one learns to be contentedly alone

It offers camaraderie in practice — where strategies are shared and methods described that elevate one’s work.

It teaches patience to accept one’s current capabilities, reflect on one’s limits, and push toward the next breakthrough.

The ways we express our creativity provides the ground for renewal — making it possible to imagine new perspectives.

In a myriad of ways, we inspire one another.


Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,

There is a field. I’ll meet you there.